Today, when I wanted to check my Golf blog, it is locked!
It is suspected as a SPAM BLOG ( that is what written at the notice ). I have requested today that my blog is not a SPAM blog since it is purely all about Golf! How could it be a SPAM blog since I have been updating it regularly ?!?
Let's see what will happen in a few days time! :-(
Do hope it will be restored back to normal and I can continue blogging about golfing!
Filed in
Hi Jinggo - I am also in the same predicament! :-( My blog at is locked also for the same reason (Spam Blog). God knows what happen since I updated my blog regularly. It has been nearly a month now.... :'(
Recent blog:=- 10 Ways to Win a Girl Over – Even if you are born ugly and have no money!
Hi Jinggo - Sorry to read about the blog being locked. I am sure that it will be unlocked soon as it is definitely not a SPAM Blog since I have visited it a few times and it has good content! Cheer up.
Recent blog:=- Amazingly Simple !