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It doesn't seem that long ago when I was listening to a friend of mine complaining about the price of big brand software... You know, brands like Microsoft, Adobe, Flash etc. You probably know just as well as I do that they cost an arm and a leg right? Is it any wonder that so many people turn to software piracy?

It's not a good situation for anyone.

But I'm happy to tell you that there is another option that suits everyone!

After listening to my friend's dilemma, and hearing that he had many friends in the same situation, I took it upon myself to carry out some research on software... What I discovered was amazing!

Did you know that you can get most of the highly sought after programs, with the same functionality as the big brand programs -- absolutely free?

That's right. I'm not joking! It's completely true.

The only difference is that they're developed by a community of programmers and have a different name to the programs you're more familiar with... And the only reason you probably haven't heard of most of these alternatives is that they don't advertise them.

Now I know that there must be at least 2-4 or more of these programs that you'd find a good use for. It doesn't matter what your situation is, or how much money you currently have... You can gain access to many, many programs absolutely free in a 100% legal, ethical manner -- saving yourself thousands of dollars.

It's all detailed in my the ebook, 'Open Source Profits'. The reason I called it that is because you can also profit from open source software!

How? Check it out here.

I can assure you from my own first-hand experience with these types of programs, that they are professionally developed, and in some cases have even more functionality that the big brand alternatives! You'd be surprised at the number of programs that are covered, and the different applications that you can access without paying a single cent. You'll love it.

And just because they're freely available doesn't mean that they're of inferior quality either... In many cases, they're superior quality! I can vouch for that.

If you've ever wanted to get a specific program, but found that it was too expensive for your budget, then I highly recommend that you get a copy of ebook, 'Open Source Profits' today!

PS. When you visit the web site, just take a look at a small snippet of the type of programs that I've covered in the ebook. I know you'll be plesantly surprised!

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