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The lifeblood of any website is traffic. I'm sure you pretty much know that by now.

The question on every marketer's mind,from novice to expert is not 'why' but 'how'
to actually channel tons of targeted, massive traffic to their sites.

Of course there are the usual ways that the seasoned marketers talk about, e.g article marketing, blog comment and backlinks, which are all free, but the pain is found in the hours of effort put in to write articles,create blogposts, and write constructive comments for other blogs.

Many have also tried forum postings, but the moderators of forums tend to be
unreasonable or have political agendas on their minds so they may not accept your

And that's where a social network site like twitter comes in. Mind you, twitter is rather different from the rest of such social network sites thanks to it's tweets.

These are catchy messages limited to 140 characters which allows you to focus on short, sharp and eye grabbing headlines.

So imagine if you could get the attention of hundreds of people with one post, wouldn't that be much faster than blogging or article writing?

I think you're getting the idea, but be creative,because there are tons of ways to leverage on this amazing social network site.

Do us both a favor, and check this out right now!

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