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The Twitter Marketing millionaire's club have been keeping a HUGE secret from you - a secret that will have a major impact on your chances for success on Twitter - and in today's announcement, my friend "The Puppet Master" Kenneth Yu finally comes clean!

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

As Kenneth says it's, "The single most exciting announcement," he's ever made. And believe me, what he's about to reveal is HUGE.

After all, legends like Mark Joyner calls him "Bona-fide Twitter genius" and he has used Twitter to build a 5 figure business in under a month and even funded his massive wedding !

Now, he's sick of all the misinformation that the so-called gurus are peddling to keep you from succeeding while they rake in thousands from top-secret Twitter marketing techniques.

The Puppet Master is sticking it to them and telling-all in this startling confession that will help you start turning Twitter into a money-getting ATM. Click here and then hang onto your hat!

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