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There’s a story about two farmers who both desperately needed rain to fall on their fields. They were both asking and praying for the rain, but still the rain did not come.

D. M. A. In Agriculture / Image via Wikipedia

One day, God told both the farmers, "The rain will be coming soon."

However, they saw the land was still very much in drought over the next few days, without any sign of the weather change.

One of the farmers decided that we would prepare his fields to receive the rain anyway. Whereas the other farmer felt it pointless as he could not see any rain coming in the near future.

The rain did fall, but only one field was prepared for the bountiful harvest. Guess which one? Yes! The farmer who prepared his field received the rain.

This reminds me of the state of Twitter marketing these days.

The recent glowing coverage in Time Magazine when they proclaimed Twitter will change the way we live...

Or the crazy past few months when celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Ashton Kutcher hopped on to the bandwagon... And and insane amount of businesses as well, hoping to capitalize on Twitter's massive growth and mainstream appeal.

Alas... Not many people seem to be able to "get" Twitter marketing. Traffic doesn't seem to be converting, response rates are low... Your marketing messages seem to be met with indif
ference, anger even.

Yet... you need to prepare those fields, because all signs point towards a marketing revival on twitter. However, you need to sows seeds the right way to reap windfall profits.

My friend "the Puppet Master" Kenneth Yu is the master farmer. In fact, he's already reaped some of the bountiful harvest. In fact, with some simple Twitter tricks, he has funded a wedding and launched a 5-figure biz in under a month.

Click HERE to find out how he uses explosive persuasion techniques on Twitter to get prospects to hand over money to him.

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