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Every once in a while you stomp on a discovery that seems quite plainly impossible. Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of these rare birds.

I am a control freak and for the last weeks or so I began searching for technique

Old petrol pumps in Nøtterøy, NorwayImage via Wikipedia

s that would increase my mileage : more inflated tiers, trying to keep the speed at a constant, lower level and generally speaking just about any advice that would promise to keep my gas bill lower.

In one of these searches, I stumbled upon on a technique that simply didn’t seem to make sense at the time. You can use water as an additive to gasoline to improve your mileage. Now that’s just stupid. Well… apparently not, as I find out that this was actually just a marketing gimmick. You don’t add water to gas, you add the hydrogen you obtain from splitting the water. Makes a bit more sense now.

The strange fact is that this technology is almost as old as the car itself. So why hasn’t the world used it until now? Conspiracies began to crystallize in my mind until I realized that the explanation was much simpler. And it really makes sense. Remember those old movies, when planes would go out of fuel and the brave pilot would use his last bottle of whisky to gain a few miles? That was basically a crude use of biofuels. It’s the same thing here. While gasoline was cheap, such alternatives were simply being discarded.

Now times have changed and it is the time to make your beloved gas gurgler (and mine too) more mileage aware.

Well after visiting several websites promising solutions like the ones above, I finally found it. The solution that keeps your car just as safe as the original and with an order of magnitude cheaper to drive.

And you can grab it HERE.

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