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Well… not exactly. We can burn the hydrogen from the water though. Why would we do such a thing? To run our car engines obviously.

A colored automobile engineImage via Wikipedia

Feeling dizzy by now? Ok, enough with the dizziness.

There’s a small secret that everybody in the car industry knows. Adding hydrogen to gasoline makes the engine with an order of degree more efficient, thus dramatically increasing mileage. Think Diesel engines on steroids.

This is not exactly a last generation technology. The principle was invented somewhere before World War II, but with the… ahem… explosive qualities… ahem… of the hydrogen nobody took this invention seriously.

Enter our 4 bucks a gallon, brave new world. What was once a curiosity has now become a very attractive proposition. Hydrogen though didn’t change its nasty habits. It explodes nowadays just as it exploded 80 years ago.

The good side of this story is that technology does evolve and a simple and elegant solution was found. The people from have found it. The trick was to produce hydrogen only when it was really needed. This way, you won’t be driving a hydrogen bomb. Further still the way hydrogen is injected into the engine was improved greatly, thus improving mileage even more.

This is why if I were to recommend a product of this type I would definitely go with

Take a quick look and you’ll see that these guys are the real deal.

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